SK00L 0F FL0W’s Transformative Coaching is a Strategic Three Tier Program for Activation and Actualisation of Human Potential. Delivered in respective order.



(Inner-Peace – Harmony - Dignity) “KNOW” SELF-LEADERSHIP


(Authenticity - Belonging - Courage) “GROW” SUPPORTIVE-LEADERSHIP


(Mindset. Belief. Abundance) “FLOW” SYSTEMS-LEADERSHIP

1. iPhD

(Inner-Peace – Harmony - Dignity)
Reveal your true power and scale your potential. Take control of your future. Join our program today and discover the power of transformative self-discovery and active learning. Improve your wellbeing, access vitality, promote longevity and continuity. 

7 One-on-One Coaching Online Calls:

• Personalized coaching sessions with our expert guides to support your growth journey.

Self-Leadership Potential
• Take control of your destiny, set meaningful goals, and cultivate resilience. Our program empowers you to become the leader of your own life.

Launch a High-Quality Life:
• Prepare to elevate your socioeconomic mobility and increase your impact on the world.

Lifetime Access to SK00L 0F FL0W Blueprint:
• Learn the art of living, not just surviving, by delving deep into self-awareness.
• Understand your strengths and weaknesses through self-inquiry and audit.
• Cultivate a loving relationship with yourself and practice self-kindness.
• Explore the 7Ps framework for Healing, a powerful tool to help you grow as an individual.

1-Year Exclusive Access to Our SK00L 0F FL0W Resources:
• Get twelve months of unlimited access to our transformative programs and tools.
• Gain direct access to valuable content designed to unlock your full potential.

2. ABC

(Authenticity - Belonging - Courage)
Unlock the fundamentals that generate value in human relationships, paving the way for transformative connectivity with others. Become a high-trust, supportive leader, with courage and watch your ability to build teams and communities soar!

9 One-on-One Coaching Online Calls:

• Personalized coaching sessions with our expert guides to support your growth journey.

Supportive Leadership

• Learn to lead with empathy, compassion, and authenticity.

• Elevate your leadership skills and inspire those around you.

Masterful Relationship Building

• Discover the secrets to creating genuine, lasting connections with others.

• Develop the skills to foster trust and rapport in any relationship.

Building Thriving Teams and Communities

• Gain the knowledge to create strong, cohesive teams and vibrant communities.

• Be the catalyst for positive change and growth.

1-Year Exclusive Access to Our SK00L 0F FL0W Resources:

• Get twelve months of unlimited access to our transformative programs and tools.

• Gain direct access to valuable content designed to unlock your full potential.

3. MBA

(Mindset. Belief. Abundance).
Master the systems with creativity knowledge, find insight and generate wisdom to succeed in today's intricate socio-economic, political, ecological, and technological systems with our program. Delve into the evolution patterns throughout history and access wealth-building strategies. Gain a profound understanding of the interconnectedness, interrelatedness, and interdependency within complex natural and built systems. Make an impact as a System Leader.

11 One-on-One Coaching Online Calls:

• Personalized coaching sessions with our expert guides to support your growth journey.

Individual and Organizational Impact and Benefits:

System Leadership

• Mastering these secrets will empower you to merge theory into practice, setting you on a path to socioeconomic success.

Professional Excellence:

• Apply your newfound knowledge to excel in Systems Leadership to navigate your career or business.

Wealth Generation:

• Learn wealth-building strategies to secure your financial future.

Innovation and Adaptability:

• Develop innovative thinking and adaptability crucial in today's fast-changing world.

Organizational Success:

• Organizations benefit from employees with enhanced skills, contributing to overall success.

Community and Environmental Impact:

• Understanding interconnectedness extends to the impact we have on our communities and the environment.

1-Year Exclusive Access to Our SK00L 0F FL0W Resources:

• Get twelve months of unlimited access to our transformative programs and tools.

• Gain direct access to valuable content designed to unlock your full potential.


The philosophical structure behind the transformative coaching practice of Purpose-driven Optimistic Wisdom, Excellence, and Resilience (P.O.W.E.R) is rooted in a deep and holistic learning and understanding of the psychoemotional and spiritual world. It is founded on the nexus where the wisdom in the arts and sciences intersects and traces its ancestral evolution to the present day. The ultimate goal is to gain profound insights that elevate human potential to its highest level.

Optimistic Wisdom

At the core of this philosophy is an unwavering belief in the power of positive psychoemotional safety, guided by an positiive outlook. It acknowledges that wisdom is not static but evolves over time, and it is this evolving wisdom that can drive positive change.

Appreciation of Interconnectivity

A fundamental principle is the recognition and appreciation of the interconnectedness, interrelatedness, and interdependencies inherent in all natural and man-made systems. This appreciation underscores the importance of holistic thinking and action-taking.

Dispelling Hype and Embracing Awareness

This transformative coaching practice actively works to dispel the worldviews propagated by "Hype masters" and "Hope merchants." Instead, it calls for a shift towards awareness-based thinking and action learning. This means focusing on informed and conscious decision making rather than succumbing to sensationalism.

Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Paradigms

To aid individual and organizational transformation, the coaching practice integrates multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary paradigms. It recognizes that solutions to complex challenges often require diverse perspectives and knowledge from various fields.

Outcomes: The ultimate outcomes of this philosophical approach are:

Benevolent Leadership

Nurturing leaders who are not only skilled but also compassionate, guided by a sense of responsibility to uplift Human Potential for the world a betterment.

Functional Organizations/Institutions

Helping organizations and institutions operate efficiently, with a focus on purpose and ethical values.

Accessible Socio-economic Systems

Working towards socio-economic systems that are accessible and equitable, providing opportunities for all.

In essence, P.O.W.E.R is a guiding philosophy that seeks to empower individuals and organizations to thrive in an interconnected complex world while fostering benevolent leadership, functional institutions, and accessible socio-economic systems. It is a philosophy that aims to bring about positive and lasting change in the pursuit of societal well-being the pinnacle of Human Potential.

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